Friday, December 5, 2014

Nationwide awareness campaign Monday December 8th: Victims of Guardianship.

On Monday, December 8, there will be a nationwide awareness campaign among victims of Guardianship and their acquaintances via social media. For victims, please post YOUR story on as many social media outlets during this event. For friends of victims you can simply share their story and if your brave please take the initiative and change your profile photo for the day to the following image:

A Public Relations Firm is being made aware of this campaign and we hope once and for all to expose America's Dirty Secret. Start making your signs! Let's give the voiceless a voice. 

Please use the following hashtags on your post and statuses #victimsofguardianship and #stopprobatecourtabuse 

To join the event on Facebook:

Learn more about elder abuse and guardianship abuse:

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