Monday, February 23, 2015

SSB 1162: Senate Judiciary Committee meeting 2/24 @9:15 AM. An Act relating to communication and visitation between an adult ward and another person.

Misty –

I wanted to let you know SSB1162 is on the agenda for tomorrow morning’s Senate Judiciary Committee meeting.  We have an amendment to the bill.  I hope this bill will promote the rights of wards to have visitation with people.  It allows a guardian to prevent visitation only upon a court order.  The bill does allow the guardian to impose reasonable time, place, and manner restrictions on visitation, but they cannot prevent visitation without a court order.

Read the bill here: SSB 1162

Notice of Committee Meeting

Committee: Judiciary (Senate)
Date: 02/24/2015 9:15 AM
Location: RM 22
  1. Call meeting to order
  2. Roll Call
  3. Approval of Minutes
  4. Discuss Bills
    1. SSB 1186 w/amendment with Senator Sodders
      • An Act relating to the compilation of a presentence investigation report in a criminal proceeding.
    1. SF 107 w/amendment with Senator Petersen
      • An Act modifying the periods of time to bring civil and criminal actions relating to the sexual abuse of minors, and including effective date and retroactive applicability provisions.
    1. SF 138 with Senator Petersen
      • An Act relating to an assault that occurs between persons in an intimate relationship and the crime of domestic abuse assault and making penalties applicable.
    1. SF 145 with Senator Hogg
      • An Act relating to the membership of the board of directors of a judicial district department of correctional services.
    1. SF 237 w/amendment with Senator Petersen
      • An Act relating to civil protective orders in sexual abuse cases, and making penalties applicable.
    1. SSB 1148 w/amendment with Senator Petersen
      • An Act relating to the confidentiality of certain juvenile court records.
    1. SSB 1162 w/amendment with Senator Hogg
      • An Act relating to communication and visitation between an adult ward and another person.
    1. SSB 1183 with Senator Shipley
      • An Act relating to nonsubstantive Code corrections.
    1. Any other bills that are ready.

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