Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Just remember.. freedom isn't FREE! #alienation

Meet Jim, he's my brother and also the son of a Vietnam Soldier. Our father, Virgil E. Davis Jr., heard the news that his older brother, Rick would be deployed. Without hesitation he enlisted in the Army and served two tours sacrificing his life so others could be safe and have FREEDOM. Sadly, our father passed away in 2013 and our family became alienated from Jim due to his Guardians wishes.

Katherine Kerr-Davis (Kat Swanner), has threatened our family with harassment and trespassing and has made up countless lies to get others on her side. She's threatened lawsuits on individuals and recently her eldest daughter, Barbara Kerr, threatened to beat up a man in a wheel-chair for disclosing details. In no way shape or form would I ever use my brother as a paycheck. Hence, I've been happily employeed for nearly eight years and have never asked for anyone's help. Looking back, I remember loaning Katherine $1000.00 as she was late on bills. At the ripe age of 55 (give or take) she had no hesitation on retiring from her customer service job to collect SSI benefits / VA benefits.

Being an insider and doing research I can almost guarentee this is a classic case of  Münchausen syndrome by proxy.  Munchausen syndrome by proxy is a behavior pattern in which a caregiver fabricates, exaggerates, or induces mental or physical health problems in those who are in their care.[1] With deception at its core, this behavior is an elusive, potentially lethal, and frequently misunderstood form of child abuse[2] or medical neglect[3] that has been difficult to define, detect, and confirm.

The photo above shows Jim's 'family'. How happy are they? A picture can only portray so much.
From the left (Jim Davis), Clayton Kerr, Katherine Kerr, Barb Kerr and Sonya Sinwell. And please feel free to threaten me with a lawsuit for throwing a photo on a blog and using my First Amendment right: Freedom of Speech. The free communication of ideas and opinions is one of the most precious of the rights of man. Every citizen may, accordingly, speak, write, and print with freedom, but shall be responsible for such abuses of this freedom as shall be defined by law.[8]


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