Thursday, July 31, 2014

Mandated Reporter: penalties, liability, crime abuse and much more!

What is a Mandated Reporter?

Mandated Reporters are persons who, as a result of their profession, are more likely to be aware of abuse or neglect of persons with disabilities. Mandated Reporters are required by law to report cases of suspected abuse to the Disabled Persons Protection Commission (DPPC) when they have a suspicion that a person with a disability is suffering from a reportable condition of abuse or neglect. Other persons who are not mandated to report may choose to file reports of suspected abuse.

Am I liable if I make a report and it is not substantiated?

No.  Those persons making a report in good faith are protected from liability.

What are the penalties for not making a report?

A person who is required to report child abuse and who fails to do so has committed a crime.  Penalties vary by state.  Your state law defines the type of crime as well as imprisonment and/or any fines imposed.

Why don't people report suspected abuse?

There are many reasons why adults don't report and some of these reasons have been brought to light with recent cases that are receiving widespread media attention.  Possible reasons people fail to report include:
  • Confusion about reporting responsibilities as a mandated reporter
  • Don't know the warning signs of abuse
  • Don't want to get involved
  • Fear of being wrong
  • Fear of reprisal by family or community
  • Fear of damaging reputation 

Who are Mandated to Report?

  • person employed by a private agency providing services to persons with disabilities
  • physician
  • medical intern
  • hospital personnel engaged in the examination, care or treatment of persons
  • medical examiner
  • dentist
  • psychologist
  • nurse
  • chiropractor
  • podiatrist
  • osteopath
  • public or private school teacher
  • educational administrator
  • guidance or family counselor
  • day care worker
  • probation officer
  • social worker
  • foster parent
  • police officer

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