Wednesday, September 24, 2014

YOU ARE NOT ALONE: Recent Accounts of guardianship abuse.

Timps Dee:  "This happened to my grandmother ... Not many believed ... No one cared! It sickens my stomach! My grandmother is dead due to the negligence of her guardian who selfishly placed her into a nursing home. I pleaded with the guardian to get her out of the hell-hole she was put in!  My pleas fell on deaf ears."  Sept, 18, 2014

Margaret Holman James;  "My sister and I cared for my parents in their home for over ten years. When the VA insisted on a Conservatorship my parent's lives and happiness and wealth were lost. They did not see each other the last year of my fathers life. My sister and I have not been allowed to visit or talk to my mother for three years. When my mother was drugged with respiradol for the convenience of her caretakers she had over 600000 to spend on living comfortably in her own home. . . .. She has lost over 100000 in legal fees. You must make it illegal for anyone who isolates elderly from family and home to be a guardian or caretaker. ..Some people can be trusted to be caretakers. Those who isolate must be removed."  Sept 12, 2014

Misty Davis: "My father was an amazing man who took it upon himself to adopt a child with down syndrome. In 2013 I lost that man and I never imagined I'd lose my brother too. Due to guardianship laws we've sat on the sidelines watching his health decline while being threatened with harassment, slander, stalking and trespassing. "  Sept, 5, 2014

Danielle Chamberlain says, "Not only has our loved one been taken captive but it seems my husband and I also have been . My husband was threatened with arrest, both of us have been smeared, attorneys have lied, felony's have been committed but no one cares. I feel like laws don't matter any longer except for the rich and powerful. Last night I found myself in an emergency room from the 5 months of stress so we refuse to play this judge's game any longer. We can not. We are elders ourselves. Michael Moyers(Tn) runs and gets re-elected unopposed because there is no one to run against him. He takes away seniors rights without hearing any opposition. In his chancellors court the law is not the law. Good luck but nothing will change I fear."-- Aug 30, 2012

Keep Marise In Her Home says:" The guardianship's last communication with my attorney was that I will not be even a co-guardian, they don't want me to be trustee of my Mother's house (despite that being in a POA and Mom's wishes) and I can not move to N.C. with Mom as her guardian there. They wield the power because of a trial where I wasn't given due process. They had over a month to prepare a case and I had two days"  Aug 29,2014

Donna DeFrancesco "The guardian sold my mother's necklace with our father ashes in it. They were married for 65 years. Of course most of the stuff was sold before we got to buy it."  Aug 29,2014

Norma Carpenter:  " I'll be glad to tell you about the lies and travesty that goes on in PA. Have not seen my mom in over 18 months due to her court appointed Guardian. She is not professionally educated. Not a Social Worker. Has full control with no checks or balance built into the program."  Aug, 2014

Sherry Johnston says, "The most horrible thing you can do to your parents is start guardianship proceedings . You are opening up avenues to have your parents drugged, abused and slowly put to death by the guardians participating with the assistant living facilities and Hospice programs to milk the family with corrupt attorney fees from the guardians pimp friends to the corrupt court judges. David Dexel Has screwed my mothers life and health along with Silverado with the blessings of Judge Butts. Ginger Lotts was underhandedly assigned to be mothers guardian while we were applying for guardianship and them the hearing was canceled. Ginger Lott is the witch from Hell! The family has filed 2 emergency restraining orders against Ginger lott for drugging mom and allowing her to get sick, dehydrated, bed sores, black eyes, falsifying billing statements and court records while she has starved her literally to death and the judge still will not hear our pleas for guardianship. I had to call 911 Easter to get the fire department to take mom to the hospital because she was so sick and Brookdale refused to let mom go and 30 minutes later Ginger text a memo stating that mom is being transported to the Methodist hospital and that she does not have pus in her catheter, it is sediments. Just like Ruby (another elder trapped at Silverado) the court appointed ward's attorney did nothing but chime in with the assistant living facility to run up more attorney fees bleeding the wards estate. it's all about bleeding the wards estate and milking Medicare while killing your loved ones slowly through Hospice."  Aug. 20,2014

Kathleen Dunn " I want to take care of my mother and she wants to live with me but because of a family member she was taken over by guardianship. Now my mother is held against her will, drugged and isolated. She is denied everything even rehabilitation which she is entitled to according to the Florida Statutes. The so-called protection industry is what my mother and others need protection from.",Aug 20, 2014

Mary Darnell, NM:   "they have all my Moms assets in hand and the only thing left for them to do is swipe her in the middle of the night, and drop her off at a locked facility that will put her on psychotropic drugs , which they have already had approved by court to use. Families sit helplessly watching in horror their lives as they have known them vanish at the hands of so called professionals who all profit from every decision and lies they stir up about your family, never having to testify under oath as to the validity of any of the allegations they present in court is a racket for sure, pretty much think it is racketeering .... I ask who is going to help families, put a stop to this?"  AUG 6, 2014

Yessy Sanes  " The city of Alexandria is another court system that is running this type of process against the elderly. As a result they have appointed a conservator who has now taken ownership of the estate and is has written over $25,000 by check to pay the opposing council who wants to prove total incapacity and send him to a nursing home for an 82 year old. This is very devastating and we don't know what else to do... Has any older person in this situation ever wan a case and regain their civil rights back?"  Aug 5, 2014

Margaret Holman James: " We have not seen my mother in three years. The court ignores her pleas to come home even when her lawyer put it in a letter. She is drugged with respiridol. Phone contact stopped after the first six months when she said she was tired of her court ordered guardian." Aug 4, 2014

Marlene Petrowsky-Driver:  "I have a dear friend that this horrific act of demise took her out of her home by force, put her in a home for the elderly, took her home, and wouldn't even let her go back to collect her own Mothers treasures she had kept for years! The county is selling her home without her permission, and her daughters seem to think its ok..what the hell is wrong with this picture? My friend is of sound mind, she does however have a disability because of arthritis in her that right!? HELL NO!! Nothing she can do according to her attorney!" Agust 4, 2014

Mrs. Katherine de Young, "Our parents, who are aging, need to be protected by the court system, not stolen from. Through the probate court system my mother lost over half her assets and wealth. This is SO wrong. Had she not died before all of it was gone, her house would have been sold so the vultures could keep their billable hours. Our elderly loved ones should not be bankroll to legal thievery." July, 30 2104

Sandra Valdez, "Our mother was a resident of New Mexico until a little over a year ago. She is currently a prisoner in the state of Colorado. Our efforts to get her back have been in vain. We have gone to high officials and authorities who we believed could help us but only to receive the most familiar words "...we are sorry but there is nothing we can do". We have been unable to find anyone with the power to stop these perpetrators using the law and the system for their financial gain. Their tactics are all too familiar: first, they find the way to label the vulnerable as "incapacitated", then, they isolate the vulnerable from their loved ones able to help, and then, they control and take over all property and financial assets of the vulnerable to pay themselves. What is ironic is that they lure in their victims using the systems which are supposed to protect them. ", July 30, 2014

Gracie Mazer  " I lost my grandma this year. Sadly she was put in the hands of a court appointed conservator. Who worked with my aunt, who mind you my grandmother disinherited her years years back. She worked with him to take my grandmother away from us. Changed her doctors put on psych meds and depleted my grandmas once independent life. My mother and I are still battling the heartbreak and injustice treatment. It's very complicated. I hope we can help stop this abuse. I miss my angel more than anything and missed the time she could've enjoyed. I dont blame anyone for anything in my life. But in this case i do. The court system and the ones making a more the huge profit from elders. I am hurt for her sake and others that are going though this situation and have went through this." July 30, 2014

Cynthia Wadsworth, "My elderly mother is trapped in a situation where the courts in NC are taking away her family and her rights to visit with family. In NC clerks of superior Court are allowed to determine what happens to the elderly. A person can walk in and provide hearsay and take away the rights of an elderly mother. It is disgusting what has been done to her. THis has to stop.", July 30, 2014

Tracey Ann Miller says, "My brother's co-guardian and the attorney that I fired spent in excess of 10,000 out of my brother's estate to have me removed as guardian. I have had restrictions in visits, cannot contact my brother unless I go through this attorney/guardian, they sold his home for much less than what it was paid for back in 1993, the insurance company had agreed to pay for my visits (he is 300 miles from me) and then decided not to, so my brother's estate has to pay for any visits (in brain injury chances of family sent to another state for care is very common and high). And now the doctor and owner of this facility with this attorney/guardian is seeking in excess of 19,000 for the doctor's legal fees out of my brother's estate for my filing complaints per the Long Term Care Ombudsman and Commissioner with the Human Rights Committee and their Medical License which the guardian and doctor and his attorney deemed "unfounded". None of what I filed was unfounded in my opinion, however, I was not allowed to attend any of the hearings, if there were any! Talk about injustice" July 25, 2014

Barbara Mosher Finger:  " The judge who set our mess in motion said "there must be some money somewhere or you would not be here" - there was no money of hers so they took ours - threw us out of the home she left us and now the other lawyers want everything else we have because we lived with her. We were lucky enough that the money ran out and we got her out of the nursing home so she could die at home 4 mos later. This is a crime and we must figure a way to stop it." July 21,2014
Laura Rudolfo "I watched a man, that ended up homeless, yet he went and spent everyday at the library, reading,was happy with his life, tripped on a sidewalk, went to the ER, and they tested him for a heart attack. Did not have one but because the Doctor didn't like his attitude, said although he was highly intelegent he could possibly be in the beginning stages of dementia. He went to a very prestigious collage and was a doctor. I watched them take away all of his rights, and because he had nowhere to go, they spent his money and put him on title 19 for his own good. He was in a locked down Alzheimers unit and waited for money follows the person. They don't push that because that is a paid for bed. He became depressed, reclusive, and eventually died. No advocate helped him. That is when I realized that in the United States of America, they can take away all of your rights and freedom. It is unbelievable. He was fine, except a doctor didn't like his attitude." July 10, 2014
Lace Charnoske, " I've been fighting for my father for almost 2 years now. The court doesn't care about evidence, just opinions. I'm $40,000.00 in debt, and it's not over yet !"  July 10, 2014

Beverly Donias: "you all have great suggestions if only they worked. Ive done all of this and was still kept from my mother . Because they said we were trouble makers and just upset her. Mom always cried to go home with us. The guardian refused so who was really doing the best interest? My mom was 65 and was only in the nursing home for back rehab. But was put on antipsychotics that made her blind and deaf. And under there care she had repeated blood infections. This is the real reason she was placed under gurardian ship to protect the nursing home. It is a well oiled machine where the courts, guardians, nursin homes, hospice, and even some state workers all work together. When they decide to place your loved one under this type of Guard there rarely is a way out for them. Even the authorities wont get involved where a judge is, July 10, 2014

Ke Kevin says, " I know it's true as soon as my grandfather richard maass was kidnapped from his home by the evil trio of Mary giordano Anne recht and judge asarch his health got worse. Asarch paid for his crime just hope that Mary gets disbarred and arrested those people caused so much pain to so many people"  July 9.2014

Rick Black  " This is my first realizing one of Americas biggest dirty little secrets. The knowledge that our government and courts sponsor elder exploitation is beyond belief. We just finished a yearlong trial in NV and have felt first hand how the system supports the exploiters and insures loved ones are isolated and their assets fully wasted. Can't believe this can happen in America." July 4,2014

Harry John Bous  "All this I have Witnessed happen All for taking the money of the Elder. Devilish Unethical Criminal Manipulation by creeps who manipulated Society for Disability Pension, parking, selling their "parental" property, charging magazines and sundries to neighboring Elders, destroying their house, harassment, Extortion."  June 29, 2014

Finley Eversole says:  "Three generations of my family (me included) have been targets of the Alabama probate judicial system, which stole from us every cent we had. I had a $2 million successful small business which was simply seized in March 2000 because I blocked the court's efforts to take my mother from my care, as they had done her mother from her care in the 1950s"--June 26, 1014

Daniel P Ryan, " The truth is guardianship is the most heinous, legal human trafficking, racketeering scandal in Amierca!!! It is organized crime of mammoth proportions that preys on humans based solely on greed. The guardians, lawyers, judges, nursing homes, APS, CPS, real estate agents, etc. all profit fron this lucrative industry in human ownership. Once they snatch you, THEY NOW OWN YOU!!! You have NO RIGHTS WHATSOEVER!!! Everything you own is all theirs for the taking... To top it off these professional kidnappers will almost always isolate you from your loved ones and medicate until you die lonely and destitute. Standard M.O. in so many cases! It's our American Holocaust, and as EVIL AS EVIL CAN BE!!!"  I should know.  My fiance was taken.   June 24, 2014

Luzma Umpierre " If you live in Florida a national tragedy occurs in this state where they can take your rights away as soon as you are an elderly person for the state to manipulate the taking of your home.   I have been Baker Acted once because all I asked at a facility was an estimation of why some of my medicines like Advil did not work. The second time I was Baker Acted they let me go without problems because I listened to their advice and did not rebel. Curious world in which you can still suffer abuse if you stay in Florida. They want you to lose your property so that they can take over your estate and sell it"  June 24, 2014

Bonnie Kauffman-Sosna  "Well they really need to investigate guardians because I know of one that is taking the person for all she's got. I see that they make friends with the person and just like that they are happy to have the help and without knowing it, they are out of circulation. That's what happened to a friend of mine that's in her 80s."  June 23, 2014

Layne Sacharin: " we have gone thru all of that, & STILL going on. In Tennessee, I was restricted from visiting with my dad for the last 2 years of his life. I was called a "trouble-maker" because I took photos of my dad's abuse/neglect & sent to the state. I had to take Mom to a hotel 4 times when the utilities were cut off for non-payment . . . Now they have filed for conservatorship of MOM. We went to court June 19, followed by "mediation" meeting, since they had agreed to drop petition for conservatorship if we go to mediation. Mediator said she can squash me like a bug & evict me from the house any time she wants. Mediator is supposed to be NEUTRAL!!! How NEUTRAL is someone who tells you they will squash you like a BUG!!!??" June 23, 2014

Linda Ryals says, . . ."Our home is about to go into foreclosure, my lights have been cut off by the guardian because they were in my husbands name, all bills that were in my husband and my name have gone unpaid, I have not worked since 2005 and now being put out on the street, my only advice from attorneys is to file for divorce to try to get half of all marital property, my question is how can the laws let a guardian come in a take a husband from his wife and then treat her as though she is nobody after almost 18 years of marriage, I am 61 years old and not able to get out and get a job, is there something that I am missing about our judicial system? If there is anyone that could answer my guestions, I would be so very grateful to hear from you. I have not been allowed to even see my husband for year now because the guardian says I upset him when he sees me because he begs me to bring him home. Thank you"  June 23, 2014

Anonymous says: "A man had a seasonal home in FL. His daughter found out that a Guardianship had taken him over. She did not get due process. The lawyer and guardian made off with his entire estate. The gentleman has died and the daughter is tied up in costly litigation to get justice for her Father. As hard as it is to believe, this can happen to a beloved parent or relative. All it takes is one report - and all that they worked hard for their entire life is gone."--June 20, 2014

Ms. Taylor says,  "many care givers, and Attorneys help steal the estates from the elderly and the disabled and sickly. They get them in the hospital were I work and they get the victims through the case managers working at the hospital. The Case Managers are in a relationship with the attorneys who donate large amount of money to the hospitals to grease the skids. This 'relationship' has to be a conflict of interest. This is clearly wrong and the Public needs to realize what is happening. The families have no rights. The Attorneys adopt themselves into your family by illegal force of there authority."--June 2-,2014

Laraine Harris Lamb:  " My mothers cousin in his 70s was taken in to adult protective custoday by the state where I live and placed in a nursing home, which almost mirrors a prison...I know both as I have worked in dept of corrections 13 years and now in long term care, so I can make a fair comparison. I was talking to his state casemanager about moving my cousin to another nursing community due this one being one of the worst in our state. He was balking at the move, so I started asking him questions about my cousins like/dislikes and he knew NOTHING...he doesn't even know where my cousin wishes to be disgust with this system."  JUne 21, 2014

Robin Spurling "When I realized my sister had depleted all of the money my parents had worked do hard for and my mom had to take care of herself if was too late. State agency for aging investigated and found there was financial abuse but no one would do anything but the lawyers conspired to have mom out under guardianship of the county. They refuse to give me any financial info or to take care of the properties. No one wants to help only to suck the life blood out of the elderly. It is a racket and the courts should be held accountable." June 12

Brenda Durant: "These ring of thieves are operating in courts through out our country! Beware of "retirement communities, like Granbury, Texas; where the court appointed Attorney AdLitem committedd felony crimes against my mother, me, and tax payers; but, the local D.A. refuses to prosecute; and by law he is also now as guilty! he says he won't prosecute because he likes the brother of the District Judge, who happened to be the the criminal! is it possible that the same D.A. was fomerly one of the court house bandits, who turned our most vulnerable into their prey?"  June 6

Deborah Buttrum: "My parents were almost a part of this but my brother and I got a guardianship of our parents with their knowledge and agreement to protect them. We had a gentleman come into my dad's room in an ICU and try to talk about this issue. He picked the wrong person because my dad was in his right mind and told him to get out. When my brother went to visit my dad told him to get a lawyer. I am a nurse and this really upset me but social workers many times are on a powertrip."  June 6

Erna E. N. Boldt: " In my case, I am the victim, alive and perfectly able to fight for my Rights.... however probate ordered,without my presence the removal of my rights to my assets, setting it under trust...How is,that for a court to take,away an elders rights, legally registered in my name.....No one has been willing to defend my rights....."  June 5

Gracy Windham: --it happened to my Mom she is dead..from it all...I thought I could do something?? greed is wicked!"  June 5

Lesa Hall--" It happened to me . . . the deputy commissioner who oversees the probate court guardianship hearings had already determined that my mother was going to be a ward of the state long before the hearing date." June 5

Lace Charnoske:  "We were all naive, until this happened to our loved ones. I've sat in the court and listened to lie after lie about me as well. Going back to court on the 23rd, but this time I won't sit quietly and listen to the lies anymore ! All the Judges are corrupt, and need to be removed from the bench !!"-- June, 4

Martha Hudson   "The first year of my guardianship cost over $25,000 in legal and court fees! I thought the intent was to protect the ward from exploitation; obviously that doesn't apply to the attoreys and the system."  June 3

Rebecca Stewart:  "So, what can be done ? I need to know, because that's happening to my mother , I can't get her released from Thomas hospital until I sign over her assets. They are taking me to court soon" June, 2014

Fran Hernandez "My aunt was found after a year of more of neglect and abuse at a assisted living facility. The facility is now turned in for abuse and neglect. My aunt meanwhile has a had stroke and was dropped at a nursing home.I was able to see her finally after years of this. This so called conservator is turned into the court and has an investigation pending. She will have her services terminated in July. She lied to the nursing home and said she had no next of kin. The same person that broke into my home years ago was listed as my next of kin. I saw it for myself. I straightened out myself. The so called guardian says I am not supposed to ask questions at all. I did not have to ask the nursing home told me all. This is going under the Superior Court of San Bernardino, CA under court investigative services."  May 22.

Norma Carpenter says." My awesome little 83 year old mother was taken from her children, grandchildren and all her friends of 50 plus years. My mom and dad saved their entire life so that their golden years would be spent in their homes. The money was there to keep Mom, but the uneducated guardian appointed by the courts saw the amount of money to be had, got her hands on it and the rest is history." May, 15

Lace Charnoske "Let's expose ALL the scum who benefits from the elderly ! I've had enough of this crap ! Now my fathers guardian is trying to keep me from seeing my father ...IT'S NOT GOING TO HAPPEN ! The stupid Judge Carl J. Marlinga, and my fathers guardian George Heitmanis will see the wrath of one pissed off daughter !"  May, 13

Jo Carr says: " Time to get Legislation that KEEPS the State Government Agency, DHS Adult Protective Services from Taking our Parents if they have any assets and are growing to be elderly. WHAT happened to Respecting our Elders? Mine were Locked up in a place 30 minutes from anyone they new and taken by Court order from their home of 40 years against their will with NO knowledge that it was coming." May 10, 2014

M-j Bailey:  I've had grueling day - my father is a Victim of Elder Exploitation & legal exploitation - by his 3 primary caregivers, his 5 attorneys, a judge and a GAL, plus his sister and her children - 3 cousins - so that is a total of 15 people surrounding him that preach to him day in and day out heinous lies about me - his daughter, my brother, Fred - his son and our family's . I say wow - look at how many people it is taking to keep the truth from our father. Today - I had a hearing about NON-COMPLIANCE to an order to return my mothers personal property that I had in safekeeping that was given to me buy the caregivers and also delivered to my home. I asked that I be able to present the items to my Father, as the "LAWYERS" and "CONSERVATOR" demanded that I present to them and not my father. I asked the court and the judge - why I cannot see my father and present the items to him - and he referred to my father's attorney - and she stated - "Mr. Bailey" does not want to see or speak to his daughter. I have been barricaded from any contact with my father since 2013 - I have mailed letters and they have been intercepted and also returned - with - moved left no forwarding address. The Court/
Judge - found me in Contempt and ordered a 10 day encarceration in York County Jail - oh - he suspended it - as long as I return all the items of my Mothers, pay the attorneys that are supposedly 'protecting my father" to the tune of $3900.00 - what is wrong with this - I'll tell you - one word - GREED......I will not stop until each and everyone of these predators are brought to justice......My father has no idea of what has happened to him and the family he built...his home of over 50 years that we all built as a family will be auctioned off - not for his benefit - but for the 15 people around him....
Mom - Dad - I promise to you both and it will be my mission - I will not stop until all that are involved in this horrific crime of Elder Explotation and Legal Explotation againts you both are brought to justice and it is known and published world wide. This abuse needs to be stopped. Our State and Federal Government need to pay close attention to these outrageous crimes - DO NOT LOOK THE OTHER WAY......the people you think you trust are far from the ones that you do trust......."

Tammy Hook says,: "I know this is a very evil thing going on , it is an organized crime ring ,a greed / scam .it seems to me that the corruption is so out of control that the goverment needs to hear the cries of the familys who's loved ones are being abducted and held captive against their will. as a randsom for profit this is an outrage what they are getting away with !!! and I know people who may be reading this will shake their heads and say that that can be true ,that can't be happening well sorry to inform you, it is truely happening to loving, caring, good families I am a very good mom ,I Love my son more than anything !!!"

Sylvia Head says, "My request to have her returned home on 02/20/2014 was DENIED because she might die in transit. Then on 02/22/2014, at 11:00 pm, I was arrested for Disorderly Conduct and banned from returning without a Police Escort. I had demanded an IV, her daily maintenance meds given, and NO more ORAL Morphine. When told to leave by Officer Gibney, I tried to sign a Termination for Treatment and have my Mom returned to her Home but I was told that I was NO longer acknowledged as her Power of Attorney. My Mom had lasted for 5 days before her God called her Home at 5:30 pm... without allowing me to return to her DEATHBed..."

Kimberly Usher says: " Our Grandmother was "stolen", we were not allowed to see her for 4 years, and now after she has died ...This person has done the same thing to 5 other elderly people..." April 10, 2014

Jae Kenworthy : " I have a no contact order and can't contact my loved one in anyway or I will be arrested. I would do something more if only I knew what to do. The judge and GAL and the attorney have all the power.I have tried everything. I have no money to fight and they have threatened me. They accused me of financial abuse and wont let me have any contact. I never did what they said I did, but now they are doing everything they can to take everything away from him that means anything to him. I don't know what to do anymore or how to fight. They took away his power and any power I might have had by making me the guilty one."  April, 2014

Fran Hernandez: "I have been dealing with a lying conservator for the last nine years. I have seen her lies on court documents. Down to how she stole my aunts money labeled the family as in myself as abusive. Never laid a hand on the lady. Going to court on the 14th and
threatening to sue her for defamation of character and slander and for my aunts money back. She now has my aunt locked up in a nursing home and I cannot get any info if she is dead or alive", April 11, 2011

Lorri Burnett:  "This roller coaster of threats is hell... My heart breaks every time I think that something I may post will hurt her. The fact is... They took her  What else can they do to me? They can't kill me! Her story HAS to be told. Her life has meaning! They can't hurt me anymore.... They can take away all the "things" but they can NEVER take the love. If I don't speak FOR her, who will???"

Teresa Shaw--"  Both of my parents were victims who are no longer here. I still suffer everyday, I still cry a lot and have and still experiencing deep depression. I wish I could of done more. It hurts to see that so many people are going thru this abuse. And the laws are blinded by greed."

Rebecca Stewart says: They are taking  my moms house, she paid cash for in 1956, car , all assets and forcing her to live in a nursing home, her greatest FEAR, she's a retired nurse , always caring for others and this is the THANKS she gets !!!. . . , I believe she is dying there, she is so doped up she has lost the will to live And knowing they're  everything she worked for all her life, I think there trying to get this done quickly , before she dies."  April 10, 2014

Marcella McClendon:  "I am facing the same situation here in Colorado. It is so cruel, and
after they stick you in a nursing home, they discontinue vitamins, or anything that is not a prescription, and leave them a few dollars for personal needs. I think our Doctors think they should decide who should live, and who should not.", April 9, 2014

Frederick Bailey--"This has happen to our Father, Robert L. Bailey- chapter and verse-the dirty dozen that has been suffocating him has been executing the playbook described above without missing a step. My sister and I have read many of the stories on this site and what is amazing is how absolutely identical each story is.", April, 2014

Willard Onellion says in response to a guardianship case: "man this sounds just
like my dad. we were told we were abusing him- we weren't. Then they
put him in a nursing home and told us we could not see him. He died 2
mionths after that because he gave up the desire to live." , March 28, 2014

Leslie D. May says--" Yes, we are fighting in Court for similar
conditions except our loved one died. There are signed documents which
are forgeries because he was totally paralyzed and couldn't even feed
himself"—March 28, 2014

Kathleen Dunn says, "My mother had to pay for the attorney that petitoned to have her declared incapacitated, she also paid for a doctor that never saw her. . .My mother told her professionsl guardian and the court monitor she wants to live with me, my mother's wishes have been ignored. She is held against her will, she never leaves the facility unless it is a trip to the hospital, she sits all day in a windowless
room with nothing to do and to drugged to do anything. My mother is denied memory care and the basic comforts of life. My mother's house and life have been stolen from her by the very people that are supposed to protect her and these are the people she needs protection from. ." March  2014

Vickie Robertson My aunt has been in Capital Circle Nursing home 4 ever, I mean for Yrs and yrs. have pics of seeing her over 10yrs ago, nothing to her, can't in my mind how she has stayed alive like this, My sister and I have tried to find info on her but unable to Her name is NETTIE VICTORIA COLLINS and this oct she will be 100 yrs old. any info greatly appreciated as many family members that live down there, live in NC and taking care of her only sister with dementia,"  March 27, 2014

Barbara Stone says, "My beautiful 86 year old mother, Helen Stone, is being held in captivity and abused and exploited by Jacqueline Hertz who operates a for profit enterprise that trades and human trafficks in our elderly parents under the guise of "guardianship". Under Jacqueline Hertz abusive regime my mother has been deprived food, medical attention, services and is being held in isolation from me and the outside world. She was admitted to the hospital with malnutrition, pneumonia, dehydration, infection, failure to thrive and a host of other life threatening conditions. The 11th circuit court in Dade County is the facilitator of this human trafficking enterprise. Help me bring my mom home. Tell Governor Rick Scott to remove Helen Stone from her captivity by a total stranger and return her to her daughter. Tell Governor Rick Scott that Florida is a dangerous place for the elderly to retire so long as predator "guardians" roam the state in search of their prey. " Barbara Stone. 2014

Linda Braddock Ryals, who has not seen her husband for 7 months (the police are called if she visits) says: "The professional guardian who has taken over (my husband) now has over 100 wards that she gets by going into nursing home etc and filing emergency guardianship on these helpless elderly people and then as soon as she gets guardianship starts selling their homes, cars, cashing in their life insurance policies, spending down all their money so that she can put them on medicaid. You can look her up in Duval County Clerk of Court web site under Constance Buchanan . . . Hwe husband James Buchanan actually owns a business by the name of Property Management Consultants in Lake City Florida that auctions off these "ward" property, you can look on facebook under Property Management Consultants and see the property thatis being auctioned off. Please spread the word on this guardian in Lake City Florida so that she will be exposed and maybe a few peoples livescan be saved from these greedy selfish people.", March, 2014

Joyce Burns:
"After what happened to my aunt, anyone who is over 55 better know that
people are salivating to get guardianship over you.. " March, 2014

Colleen Anne Crouch Uhl-Snow: This happened to my husband's mother in
law and once it was done, there was no say by family, no stopping it.
All because her husband had made PNC bank executor of his estate. After
her death we could not even go into the house without a bank employee
and all family heirlooms had to be purchased from the bank, March 2014

Daniel P Ryan "The judge who ordered Pauletta's guardianship; Jack St.
Arnold is the same judge who sentenced my loved one to life in prison
with less rights than a death row inmate. She was fully capacitated, and
went to the gym 6 days a week. In prison you're allowed to have
visitors, receive mail, and make phone calls. - NOT MY LOVED ONE! It's a
hell of a way to enjoy your golden years... We were going to be married
and honeymoon in Europe in just a few months..." March, 2014

Jan Pewsey says, "The investigation needs to be nation wide. The
Guardian/Conservator abuse is everywhere. My Mother was taken by her
court appointed Guardian against her wishes because of a family
squabble. Three months later she is on hospice care, not much hope for
her to recover. The conservator is not paying her all her bills,
inaccurate late inventory filed. She has paid out over $5,000 in fees to
them in the last year, for something she didn't need or want. It is an
embarrassment to have a court system which works against the innocent
elderly defenseless citizens of the USA" March, 2014

Cheryl Anne Good "I'm glad,We were at the end of this with my Brandon in 1994
AN ELDERLY PARENT.." March, 2014

Julie London Ferguson:   "My Mother is being held by a corporate Guardianship per a court
"emergency" order. They are a non-profit and are letting 'indigent'
people in need go by the wayside (dropping them) to keep people like my
Mom who owns a home."  March, 2014

Rose Anna Buchanan says, " this has happened to my sister who was lured to leave her home in Californiato visit a son who was in a facility in las vegas ,Nevada. when she got there she found herself committed, her daughter is her guardian , her cell phone taken and her computer not working so we can no longer have coffee togather via e-mail.. her letters to me have been tampered with and I don't have the funds to help her. she has plenty of money but can't get any of it unless her "guardian " gives it to her. this all happened within weeks of her husbands death. the daughter said she was demented and took advantage of her grieving and being alone. Her home, automobile, furniture, everything is gone."
Beverly Williams Donias:  "Nothing would have changed the outcome of my Mom's Guardianship. They intimidated me into filing for guardianship. And the day of the hearing there was no hearing to contest because the decision had already been decided in a closed judge chambers. It was to place Guardianship Services as the guardian although I was a willing , able and suitable family member who had filed for guardianship. I was told if I didnt file then the Nursing home would and they would become my mom's guardian. And I would no longer b able to make decisions for her or see her.", April 1, 2014
Tammy Vaughn Curtis:In the state of OK ANYONE can walk into an Attorney's office, lie about being a caregiver or interested party, call the current POA into question & file for guardianship. How do I know that? I lived this nightmare for 3 yrs after my grandmother's longtime "friend" convinced her that my mother was stealing her assets, had her sign a revocation of my mother's POA & filed for guardianship. If you assume that DHS/APS will take the side of the POA daughter even though there was no evidence that she had stolen anything you would be wrong. All of these people have a vested interest in keeping the fight going as it makes them money!  April, 2014

Gloria Sykes: "Two weeks ago attorneys Peter Schmeidel, Cynthia Farenga and Adam Stern, appeared in an es parte proceeding in front of politically connected judge Jane Louise Stuart and Stuart rubber stamped a hand written order (by Schmeidel) in sum, that stole my entire medical fund (over $200,000) claiming it belonged to my mother, Mary G. Sykes and would be used for her care. Instead my hard earned savings -- Im a breast cancer survivor -- is being used to pay Schmeidel and the lawyer at Fischel and Kahn fees for their time financially exploiting and abusing my mother -- and me! Money laundering is how the Probate divisions/guardianship attorneys get millions of dollars of assets of seniors every year, and it goes unnoticed because the money is turned over under the color of law... to lawyers!   Carolyn Toerpe told me on September 20, 2009 that she "hoped the stress of the litigation brings back the cancer and this time it KILLS" me. She also said that she would render me homeless, penniless and that I'd never see my mother again. It is clear that this Cottage Industry of lawyers are very powerful. VERY POWERFUL."  April, 2014

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