Monday, March 2, 2015

Help #FREEJimmy by e-mailing the Iowa Senate and Iowa House in support of #SF306 (Senate File 306).

SSB 1162 passed unanimously and has been renumbered as SF 306. The next step is for the bill to be considered by the full senate which should happen around March 9th. Then the bill would have to go through a house committee in the House and full House. Please help me by simply copying the e-mail addresses below and sending a simple and polite message stating that you support SF 306. Also, you can simple e-mail your districts representatives via the following link: Grassroots Action Center.

General Assembly: 86 (01/12/2015 - 01/08/2017)
Email the Iowa Senate:

Email the Iowa House:
Please leave a comment and let me know if you've e-mailed either and if they've responded.We have one week to make this happen and to get the word out. Please do everything in your power to help make this a law and free my brother as well as others being withed from their loved ones. <3
Email example:

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