Wednesday, April 15, 2015

DHS for dependent adult abuse is a joke: Karen Andrew and Meleia Wuthrich Iowa.

On 3/20/15, myself as well as another mandatory reporter contacted DHS to file a report of dependent adult abuse for Jim in regards to his guardian Katherine Kerr-Davis shoving him into a girls bathroom and pulling him like a dog through the church. The intake specialist for DHS called back and stated an investigation would take place. On 04/01/15, I  received a call from Meleia Wuthrich (DHS Investigator Iowa) staying she would reach out to all of the other parties including the mandatory reporter who initially filed the claim and others who were present. To date the other parties have not been contacted. And no-one has requested the video of the abuse.

Meleia Wuthrich  (MWUTHRI@DHS.STATE.IA.US)needs to be held accountable for not following through on the investigation and reaching out to all parties. Her Supervisor is Karen Andrew (KANDREW@DHS.STATE.IA.US) and she can be reached at (319)461-1786.

DHS is a joke Dependent Adult Abuse is NOT.

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