Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Kerri Kasem E-mail Response: “Visitation Bill” AB2034.

Dear Misty,

Thank you so much for sharing your story.  It is heartbreaking to hear about so many families who are going through similar situations.  The Kasem Cares Foundation is working diligently for change.

Please note that my team and I are working very hard to pass the “Visitation Bill” AB2034.  Assemblyman Mike Gatto is leading the charge in California.  Please write your assembly person and senators in your district and let them know how important this bill is because we will be coming to your state to get this bill started.

I continue to hold out hope that all families caught in situations such as mine will see change in the near future.  We at Kasem Cares will continue to fight for visitation rights for those who have been blocked from a loved one and against the injustice of elder abuse.

Thanks for your patience in waiting for my overdue response to your email.  Your story did not go unnoticed.  Please reply to this email and let us know if we can use your story to help our cause.  We would love to use your real name in your story, but we can keep anonymity by using initials and changing the names of the people mentioned.  Please specify which you would prefer in your response.  Thanks so much!

With love,
Kerri Kasem
Kasem Cares Foundation

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